Beauty Checklist: Everything You Need To Do Before Going On Vacation

So you’ve booked your next vacation—good, you deserve it!—but there are some things you need to take care of before hitting the road. Whether you’re counting down the days to spring break or just getting away for a weekend, these six beauty-prep rituals will ensure you look your best while hitting the beach or pool scene. Because no beauty blunder should ever happen when you’re in a bikini.
Out Of Office
Get A Tan
When: Two Days Before
Everyone looks better in a bathing suit with a tan. You'll be too busy fussing with last-minute details to squeeze an appointment into your busy schedule. Instead, use a tanning foam and a mitt to give yourself a streak-free glow. Doing it two days before your vacation allows you time to fix any mistakes (but let's think positive).
Get A Pedicure
When: One Day Before
You'll be wearing cute sandals the whole time—don't let a bad pedicure (or no pedicure) ruin them. Unless you're opting for gel polish, get a pedicure the day before to ensure that it looks flawless when you arrive at your destination.
Get A Wax
When: Three Days Before
By far the most important step, a wax is the best way to ensure that pesky stray hairs won't crash your vacation. Skip the razors, as they can cause irritation and bumps. Wax strips make hair removal easier than ever before—but allow two days for swelling and redness to heal before slipping into your bikini.
Get Your Soft Skin Back
When: One Week Before
Nobody wants dry, flaky winter skin when visiting paradise. Beginning a week prior to your vacation, gently exfoliate your entire body every other day and apply a hydrating body balm after every shower. By the time you hit the beach, your skin will be softer, smoother and glowing.
Get Lash Extensions
When: Two Days Before
While this one is not exactly vital, lash extensions will make you look much more pulled-together on your trip. Get a full flutter without having to spend time working on your eye makeup (you're there to relax, after all) or worry about your mascara running in the pool.
Get A Facial
When: One Month Before
Book a facial (or DIY your own) a month before your trip to prevent any unwanted breakouts from popping up in your vacation photos. Sometimes facials force your skin to purge all the bad, which can leave you with a zit or two after your treatment. Four weeks leaves plenty of healing time.