The Sneaky Trick That Instantly Makes Anyone Look More Gorgeous

No matter how well you’ve blended your contour or how perfectly you’ve concealed your under-eye circles, there’s still one oft-overlooked step you need to complete your flawless face—whitening the whites of your eyes. Since bloodshot is never a good look, try these five tips that will keep your peepers bright.
Bright-Eyed Beauty
Pick Makeup Colors Wisely
The next time you reach for your go-to black mascara and eyeliner, grab a dark navy instead. The blue will makes the whites of your eyes pop.
Stay Hydrated
When you're dehydrated, your whole body gets dry, including your eyes. Try drinking at least eight glasses of water each day to help stop redness before it starts.
Take Your Vitamins
Redness can stem from inflammation in the outer tissues of the eyes. A diet high in omega-3 fatty acids or a daily supplement can help reduce and relieve redness.
Don't Wear Red
If your eyes are looking especially bloodshot, avoid red tones in your makeup—they'll just make it more obvious. Opt for a nude lip, a navy eyeliner and bronzer for flattering wash of color.
Give Them A Rest
If you sit at a computer all week (and who doesn't?), it's important to take a break every couple of hours. Go for a walk, close your eyes for a couple of minutes or pop on a cooling eye mask. The same goes for long-haul flights and road trips.