How To Look Younger At Every Age

When it comes to skincare, the products that worked in your 20s won’t do you any favors in your 40s—and certainly not in your 50s. For a lifelong radiant complexion, it’s important to tailor your regimen along the way, adapting to the stages of your skin (not to mention correcting damage done in your younger, less sensible days). Ahead, the routine to start now for gorgeous skin later, no matter what decade you’re in.
Age Gracefully
In your 20s, skin issues can be prompted from pulling all-nighters, stress in your new career, one too many glasses of wine on the weekend or basking in the summer sun. As if we don’t have enough to worry about, fine lines can sneak up in your mid 20s. It's important to start a consistent skincare routine that includes SPF and vitamin C.
Your Perfect Skincare Regimen
Cleanse: Use a gentle cleansing balm that will remove makeup and excess oil but won't dry out your skin.
Protect: For day (and we mean every day!) use a light moisturizer that contains sunscreen with UVA and UVB protection.
Prevent: If you're one to stay up all hours of the night, apply a serum before bed that contains antioxidants and vitamin C to eliminate fine lines and even out texture and tone.
Treat: From time to time, breakouts occur. Use a spot treatment containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.
In your 30s, you're beginning to see sunspots and fine lines. At this age you should be exfoliating regularly. Skin naturally exfoliates every 35 days, which is a step down from every 14 days in your 20s.
Your Perfect Skincare Regimen
Exfoliate: Get into the habit of double cleansing. Use one cleanser to remove makeup and another to lightly exfoliate, which helps remove dead skin cells and promote collagen production.
Prevent: Use an SPF eye cream for day and a hydrating eye cream at night to diminish lines that may be appearing around your eyes.
Moisturize: Before applying sunscreen in the morning, use an antioxidant-rich serum and toner. Ingredients like peptides and hyaluronic acid will boost moisture (which leads to slower wrinkle production).
Tone: Adding a retinoid to your regimen will help improve the overall texture and tone of your skin. Sunlight deactivates retinol, so be sure to apply a retinoid product at night and avoid putting it too close to your eyes.
In your 40s, expression lines around your eyes, forehead and mouth don't diminish overnight like they did in your 30s. Your estrogen levels decrease so your skin is dryer. Add moisture and collagen-building ingredients like peptides to your face and neck.
Your Perfect Skincare Regimen
Cleanse: Choose a non-drying cleanser in combination with a gentle cleansing device to help remove dead skin cells. You don't want harsh cleansers or rough exfoliating beads to strip your skin.
Rebuild: Retinoids and peptides are two ingredients you should add to your routine if you haven't done so already. Peptides can help rebuild collagen, especially when used in tandem with texture-improving retinol.
Anti-age: Use anti-aging products specifically formulated for the neck (which reveals your age) that include phytoestrogens to smooth, retinols to plump and licorice root to correct discoloration.
Moisturize: Look for a cream with a high level of glycerin or peptides to help skin retain the moisture it needs.
Moisturizing should be your main concern in your 50s and beyond. Skin is not as toned, which can cause sinking and wrinkles. In addition to powerful products that contain peptides, retinoids or amino acids, consider investing in laser treatments and other non-invasive skin rejuvenation options.
Your Perfect Skincare Regimen
Cleanse: Use a nourishing cream cleanser that hydrates skin while it purifies.
Anti-age: At night, apply a retinoid before your moisturizer. Your moisturizer should contain phytoestrogens to help with hormonal aging. For extra benefits, try an at-home laser treatment.
Rebuild: For day, apply a peptide-rich serum under your SPF to help build collagen. Look for one that also contains antioxidants and hyaluronic acid, which will lock in moisture.
Protect: Retinoids can make skin more sensitive to the sun. A moisturizing cream that contains SPF is vital for keeping skin hydrated and protected.