
Gabrielle Union’s Silver Nail Polish & Gold Eyeshadow Bring The Mixed-Metal Trend To Beauty

She shines.

Robino Salvatore/GC Images/Getty Images
Gabrielle Union slicked bun at Prada 2022

If there’s one star from who to take all your seasonal beauty cues, it’s Gabrielle Union. The actor-mogul-mom has a unique ability to make trends feel personal and the foresight to see them coming before they land on anyone else’s radar. As such, make a mental or actual note of Union’s silver nail polish, just seen in one of her legendarily glamorous Instagram photo dumps. In the cover shot, Union’s clad in a metallic canary-yellow gown, her sleek, shoulder-length bob softly brushed over one shoulder as she takes a mirror selfie. But take a look at the hand holding the phone, then glance up at her eyelids — she brilliantly ties the shimmery theme all together by pairing her silver nail polish with some champagne-colored eyeshadow. The mixed-metal trend is already so beloved in the jewelry world, and Union just brought it to beauty.

The key to Union’s spangly look is in its relative subtly. While her gown, manicure, and makeup are all metallic, she’s managed to carefully balance them all out through different levels of opacity and some smart shade matching — her dress, for instance, is a yellow rather a true gold. Her eyeshadow is just a dusting of bronzey-gold shimmer, which lets her silver-covered nails have their time in the sun without getting overpowered.


Though fall is still only a few weeks in, savvy celebrities like Union are already looking ahead to winter and implementing its biggest beauty trends now. Silver nail polish has been particularly popular lately, also spotted on stars like Selena Gomez and Eva Longoria. So much of the shade’s allure is wrapped up in how similar it looks to jewelry, especially when its amplified by a chromatic finish or a lot of extra glitter. In a sponsored video posted just after her photo dump, you can get a clearer look at how much sparkle Union’s version features.

Considering just how quickly all of 2023 has flown by, follow Union’s advice and start planning your holiday party manicures now — the invites will be arriving before you know it.