
The Post-Holiday Blues Are No Match For These Fun Accessories

A much-needed dopamine boost.

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Fun accessories
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Let’s not sugarcoat it: January can take a real toll on your mood. Not to be a downer, but it’s cold, dark, and the post-holiday blues always tend to kick in. Aside from rewatching Schitt's Creek and blasting your dance-worthy Spotify playlist, there’s another foolproof trick to lifting your spirits — play around with fun, wallet-friendly accessories (because we all know last month was not an inexpensive one). Sprinkling bright, dopamine-boosting pieces into your outfits is a low-stakes way to experiment with your style, and a no-fail hack when you’re in dire need of some deep winter joy.

One place to start is with your hosiery drawer. As you probably already know, red tights and socks bursted onto the fashion scene last year — and the trend doesn’t appear to be going anywhere in 2024. That’s because slipping into the vibrant accent is such a simple way to liven up your whole look. What’s more, with winter in full swing (ugh is right), a colorful scarf or fuzzy hat is a smart addition to any cold-weather outfit formula. Luckily, there’s no shortage of affordable options out there, including picks from fashion girl-favorite retailers like Mango and Urban Outfitters. (Or if you have some holiday cash from grandma you’re willing to spend, perhaps browse through Acne Studios’ site?)

Looking for more playful accents to throw on in dreary January? Keep scrolling to find 10 suggestions from team TZR.

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