Pat McGrath Thinks Shy People Are Actually Bosses Deep Down

I know you’ve heard the saying, “Watch out for the quiet ones.” Makeup artist and true-to-life boss Pat McGrath believes it to be true, especially in the professional world. When I catch up with the founder of Pat McGrath Labs at the star-studded LA launch of her Lust 004 lipstick kit (the latest product in her line of consistent sell-outs), she shares some words of wisdom about building a team at work. “It’s important to give people a chance,” she says. “Usually when people are really talented, they’re kind of shy—they’re not really attention-seeking. It’s not necessarily the one making the most noise that is the most talented.” She knows of what she speaks, admitting that she herself was surprisingly meek when starting out: “I was really shy in the beginning.”
Another truth becomes apparent as Pat and I are talking. Chrissy Teigen and John Legend stop by to congratulate her on her launch and her thriving career. I watch as some of the coolest people in the industry are blowing kisses to her from across the room. Yet in the midst of all the chaos and revelry, she gives me undivided attention, treating me with the same respect she does her high-profile friends. She’s charming and genuine.
I learn something from her that day. Despite all the glamour and celebrity, being polite and gracious and real are fundamental. They’ll get you far in this industry, and in life.