
10 Super High-Tech Beauty Gadgets To Gift This Season

Impress everyone on your list.

by Elise Tabin
Originally Published: 
tech beauty gifts
The Look Of The Holidays
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While gifting a viral lip oil or always-sold-out perfume is nice (rest assured, no one would turn down a hot-ticket product), picking out a beauty tool or device for those on your holiday shopping list lends a personal touch. Perfect for that special someone who spends more time at their dermatologist’s office than they do at their desk, these high-tech gadgets, which keep becoming more cutting edge than the previous generation, do everything from amping up how skin care products work to zapping zits and tightening skin and beyond. And these innovations aren’t limited to one category. There are hair tools that aim to speed up the styling process while causing minimal damage and even makeup gadgets that let you create your own shades.

While some gift-givers see high-tech beauty gadgets as the next best thing to professional in-office treatments, others like that they’re a bit sci-fi and a good way to wrap up 2023. Because, what better way to spend dead week, those days between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, than doing an LED face mask or an esthetician-level skin care routine? No matter the reason for gifting one of these beauty tools, these are the best to choose from.

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