7 Reasons Linda Rodin Is The Ultimate Natural Beauty Icon

If you’re not familiar with Linda Rodin, we know 2 things: 1.) You’ve probably been living under a rock and 2.) you’ll want to be her best friend by the end of this slideshow. In the fashion and beauty world, the silver-haired founder of skincare line Rodin is known for her red lipstick, fabulous frames and charming personality. Here, we talk to the model, revered stylist and successful entrepreneur Linda Rodin about her sleep cycle, how long it takes her to get ready in the morning and her signature hair color. Wondering if it’s natural? Read on.
Her Beauty Game Is Always On Point
"The 1 product I refuse to travel without is my face oil. Well, it’s my face oil but it also multitasks as my lip balm, and my hand cream. And my new fabulous cleanser, which is amazing. I really just bring a little dopp kit with my Rodin stuff and a comb. I really don’t need anything else. I wanted my line to be just simple—that’s the whole point of it. So I think I’ve succeeded, because I don’t need to put in other stuff."
She Embraces All Aspects Of Life
"My hair started turning gray when I was about 35. Technically, it started early but I was very lucky because it came in evenly. I never thought about dying my hair, ever. And when I was about 58, I realized I couldn’t see so I needed glasses. My signature look kind of found me rather than me finding it."
She Spends Her Time Wisely
"My beauty motto has always been: Get out of the door as fast as you can. It takes me 15 minutes to get dressed and put my lipstick on and get my hair done. But I like to sit with my dog, have a cup of coffee, and read The New York Times, so I like a good hour to do those things before I leave the house. But only 15 minutes of that time is spent getting ready."
She Can Make An Antiaging Mask Out Of (Clean) Snow
"My mother’s oldest friend who is now 96 was born and bred in LA. But when I was 14, she came to our house in New York when it was snowing. She took my sister and I to the front yard and said 'oh my god! This is the best beauty tip!' She just took snow and rubbed it all over her face. So that’s what my sister and I did for the next 6 years and it's the greatest thing we’ve ever done. But of course now you couldn’t do it because there’s shit in the snow. But in 1962, the snow was fresh and it was gorgeous. I still live in New York but I wouldn’t put that snow on my face if you paid me."
She Gives Great Advice
"If I had to give my younger self advice, I would say: Just love the fact that you have no wrinkles and embrace yourself. It’s so funny because when I was younger, I would always think 'oh my hair looks bad and this looks bad.' You were young and your skin is gorgeous—you took it all for granted. But you know it’s fine. You have to get old and embrace it and do the best you can. You can’t try to be young forever."
She Likes To Sleep (A Lot)
"I think what keeps me younger longer is sleeping a lot. I need like 9 to 10 hours of sleep. I wasn’t as regimented in my 20s but I think sleep is the key to everything, I really do. I know people that say they can get by with 3 hours. How can you even be civilized with 3 hours of sleep? I want to kill everybody if I’m tired."
She's The Chicest Pack Rat On The Block
"I love little things. I love shells. I love dishes. I love old things. I don’t know, whatever strikes my fancy. I go to the flea market every weekend in New York, religiously—every Saturday and Sunday. The minute I land in any place that I travel I just ask the cab driver or anybody, 'where’s the flea market?' Because it’s my joy. I really enjoy looking at things. It’s really fun for me. You could probably find a flea market anywhere. But I like the little ones, not the big, fancy ones."