(Smooth Sailing)

Everything You Need To Know About Getting A Brazilian Wax

From start to finish.

by Jordan Murray
Brazilian Wax
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One of the biggest trademarks of summer is showing skin. For many, denim shorts, mini skirts, sundresses, tank tops, and swimsuits are all on heavy rotation. While it’s absolutely not a requirement, some seek out various hair removal methods to address the body parts on display. For your underarms and legs, shaving and waxing are some of the standard approaches, but often the biggest question is, what are you going to do about your bikini area? Using a razor is definitely a solid choice, but it’s time consuming, the hair grows back quickly, and you likely have to work harder to fight off ingrowns and irritated skin. An alternative? The highly talked about (and feared) Brazilian wax.

Most conversations surrounding this hair removal method are centered around the pain, yet those who have been turned on to waxing rave about the soft and smooth outcome. And experts agree that it’s a great approach.

“When we do Brazilian waxing, we're taking the hairs from the follicles, so it offers less irritation specifically when the hairs grow back,” says wax specialist and owner of The Wax Lounge NYC Arieanna Smith. “You're not going to get that itchy feeling and it helps with hyperpigmentation because it is also a form of exfoliation. It assists with the overall appearance of your bikini area and you get longer-lasting results.”

Looking for more information before you take the leap? TZR tapped Smith and European Wax Center corporate field trainer Alexandra Grant to give you the breakdown on everything you should know before, during, and after a Brazilian wax. Ahead, you’ll find tips, product recommendations, and key facts about the infamous hair removal technique.

What Is A Brazilian Wax?

A Brazilian wax is the removal of all hair in the bikini area. According to Smith, this treatment usually includes the sides of the bikini line, the pubic area, the labia, and the final butt strip. She says there are three major methods: hard wax, soft wax, and sugaring. This gives the client different options to choose from based on what might work best for their skin. You can consult with a wax specialist on which option to choose. Smith says that hard wax and sugaring are preferred by most estheticians because not only are they the most effective methods, but they are also the most comfortable for all skin and hair types. She adds that soft wax is usually only recommended for eyebrow waxing.

The service received its name after gaining popularity in Brazil due to the thong bikini style that was trending during the ‘70s. The Brazilian wax was a result of a need for effective epilation that left the skin looking incredibly smooth and hair-free while wearing a bathing suit with minimal coverage.

“It’s perfect for a completely nude look or you can leave a neat triangle, strip, or square on the front,” says Grant. “It’s absolutely your choice.”

How Should You Prep?

The conversation around Brazilian waxes is often negative. Instead of worrying about other testimonials or the scary stories you might have seen on TikTok, try your best to calm your nerves and go into the session with an open mind. “You will walk out pleasantly surprised,” says Grant. “I have never seen anyone regret their decision to wax so far.”

To start, Smith recommends drinking lots of water leading up to an appointment because if your skin is hydrated this can help make pulling hairs out of the follicle easier or less painful. As far as skin care goes, if this is your first time waxing, Grant says to make sure to stop shaving for at least two weeks. This allows the hair to grow, so the wax can properly grip for a more seamless pull. “As difficult as this may sound it will enhance your waxing experience and removal of hair,” says Grant. “The goal is to make sure the hair is as long as a grain of rice which is a least a 1⁄4 inch long.”

In addition, both Smith and Grant stress that exfoliation is key. Smith suggests starting at least two days prior as it’s another way you can prepare the area for a more manageable epilation process. She says exfoliating gloves, a physical scrub, or a chemical exfoliant are all great recourses. Grant recommends the Get Smooth Skin Clearing Body Polish from the European Wax Center Treat Line as an effective product for removing dead skin cells that can clog the hair follicle.

Another thing to note is that, yes, with a tampon or menstrual cup, you can get waxed while on your period. However, the area is going to be extra sensitive during that time, so Smith says her clients will often take an ibuprofen or apply a numbing agent to help alleviate some of the discomfort.

Finally, Smith says that it’s crucial to wear loose clothing and maybe even go without underwear so that you aren’t creating friction post-appointment when the skin is tender and bare. The rubbing can lead to irritation, which is something you are trying to avoid. After following these courses of action, you are ready to head into the wax room.

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What Happens During A Brazilian Wax?

Prepare yourself for the pain, says Grant, but the silver lining is that it won’t last forever. She says that, like many uncomfortable beauty practices, it will start to get better with time. Plus the undertaking usually won’t take longer than 15 or 20 minutes. “Your third wax is your best wax,” says Grant. Once you reach this point, your hair will start to grow less coarse because it’s getting used to the wax routine. In addition, with the right product lineup, it will also grow less quickly.

Additionally, Smith says that your waxer is supposed to be a part of making this time as pleasant and peaceful as possible. “Your waxer should be talking to you the whole time,” says Smith. “This will ease the nerves and help the whole process become more comfortable.”

What About After-Care?

This first thing Grant wants you to know is that sensitivity in the area post-wax is completely normal and will only last a few hours. So, don’t panic if the discomfort isn’t gone immediately. Smith says that she always tells her clients to avoid physical activity for at least 24 hours so you’re not experiencing abrasion in the area from fabric rubbing. You should also avoid having sex and getting into a sauna, pool, or hot tub for a full day. Because your pores are really open, bacteria can more easily infiltrate the area. You wouldn’t want to put yourself in a position where you’re sweating or exposing the skin to unsanitary conditions.

To help fight bacteria, Smith tells her clients to take a cold shower to help close pores and reduce inflammation. She says you should be using an anti-bacterial soap like the bar by Dial to further limit chances of vexing this already sensitive area. Scented shower gels or body washes might sting or inflame the skin.

The biggest worry after this experience is pesky ingrowns that are itchy and uncomfortable. Because of this, Grant says that exfoliating after the service is just as important as before. You should include it in your body care routine two or three times a week starting around five days post-wax to give your skin some time to recover. In addition, Grant suggests targeted ingrown products like the EWC Ingrown Hair Wipes and Ingrown Hair Serum to help treat and prevent them. Plus, you should always stay moisturized. She proposes the EWC Shea Body butter while Smith swears by the Fur Oil. If you’re not sure what to use, your wax specialist can help personalize product recommendations.

Managing the pain and maintaining good results is all about consistency. To help yourself get used to it, Grant says that you must stay consistent with booking your appointments. She advises to come in every three to four weeks so that you are able to get used to the feeling and keep up with the smoothness.

“The more you get waxed the less you have to come in,” says Smith. “Soon clients will see that their hairs are starting to come in less, so a lot of my loyal clients are able to come in every three months because their hairs take longer to grow back.”

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