Tired Of Dark Circles? Permanent Concealer Is Here To Save The Day
You’ll never need another doe foot.

Dark under-eye circles can be a completely normal part of your skin’s natural pigmentation, but they can also be a giant nuisance. Not only is it a tiring process to cover them up with concealer (cakiness is always a threat and creasing is pretty much inevitable), but dark circles can pull attention from the rest of your makeup look. Plus, most inevitably have days where they can’t be bothered to wear a stitch of product, but still want to look awake and refreshed.
The answer to your dark circle woes could very well lie in a new cosmetic procedure trend: permanent concealer. Much like tattooed eyebrows or eyeliner, permanent concealer is done by applying pigment into the outermost layer of the skin (aka the epidermis) using a cosmetic tattoo gun. Permanent concealer can also be used to reduce the pigmentation of acne scars or other blemishes. The procedure was pioneered by Brazilian tattoo artist Rodolpho Torres, who told Spa + Clinic Australia that unlike micro-blading, which fades away over time, his concealer technique is permanent.
“It’s not micro-pigmentation, it’s a tattoo,” he says. “You can live a normal life and expose it to sunlight knowing that your skin will not become stained, because the tattoo pigments approved by Anvisa give us this security.”
The trend is becoming hugely popular on social media. The above TikTok video from user @glamboxheidelberg has garnered over 22.4 million views, and the hashtag #permanentmakeup has over 233.8 million views on the platform.
Like all cosmetic procedures, permanent concealer comes with its own set of risks — especially since it is a fairly new treatment. According to the Cleveland Clinic, permanent makeup could result in an allergic reaction to a particular color or type of ink, swelling, crusting, bleeding, loss of eyelashes, or even eye injury. Plus, as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns, pigments in tattoos can interfere with MRI imagery, and in rare cases can cause swelling or burning in the area where the ink is.
If dark circles or pigmentation are impeding your self-esteem or well-being, it certainly may be worth investing in permanent concealer. If you decide to take the plunge, just be sure to seek out a qualified professional with experience in cosmetic tattooing.