(Beauty Report Card)
This Instagram-Famous Skin Care Tool *Actually* Gave Me Glowing, Sculpted Skin
I didn’t believe it — until I saw it.

I’d like to preface the following by saying that I am absolutely a skin care skeptic. I love to test new products and like to think I keep a pretty open mind, but my experience has been that there’s approximately a 1/10 chance that I try a product or skin care tool and it actually makes a visible difference — and that’s being generous. However, that all changed when I met the SolaWave Red Light Wand.
For reference, even my dermatologist — one of the top doctors in Los Angeles — constantly tells me not to waste money on expensive skin care, and that the basic drugstore products (like Cetaphil) often will work exactly the same long-term (to which I usually try to argue back to no avail). Still, I am always on the hunt for that one holy grail product that can make a difference, because those products do exist and when you find one, there is no going back — which is exactly what happened to me after I started using this buzzy new tool.
I had seen the product taking over my Instagram and was admittedly intrigued. Beauty tools are a branch of skin care I am particularly unfamiliar with, not having tried any beyond a simple jade roller (not to mention, I’m a facial virgin). Yet with its comparably affordable price to other tools on the market and long list of benefits, the Solawave Wand was the perfect skin care tool to get my feet wet.
Branded as the “4-in-1 Skin Care Tool,” the Solawave Wand boasts micro-current, red light therapy, lifting facial massage, and therapeutic warmth, all working to boost the skin’s natural radiance, reduce redness and signs of aging, de-puff, and improve the overall appearance and vibrance of the skin. All of this with as little as five minutes of use a day. Though it all sounded too good to be true, I was willing and eager to give it a shot in the pursuit of glowing, gorgeous skin, as all of Instagram seemed to be promising me.
I’m not always good with consistent skin care routines, but SolaWave suggested using the tool for three to five minutes daily, and that most people saw results after about two weeks, so I forced myself to keep up with the daily treatments to give the tool a fair chance.
The treatment itself is simple: start with a cleansed, dry face. For the best results, SolaWave recommends applying its conducting serum to your skin to increase the effects, through any facial mist, moisturizer, or serum works. The wand then uses smart-touch activation, meaning as soon as the head of the wand touches your face it turns on — easy. You move the wand in an upward and outward motion on your face (similar to a jade roller or gua sha stone), gliding the tool across your forehead, under-eyes, cheek, jaw and neck, sealing in the conductive serum in the process.
After the first treatment, I didn’t notice any immediate changes to my complexion (although, to be fair, few tools like this provide instant results); however, I was taken with how soothing the treatment actually felt. The tool gently heats up and has a very light vibration while using it, which is quite a luxurious and comforting way to end the day, while lying in bed, watching a show, and generally unwinding. Surprisingly, the next morning I realized that my skin did look perky and energized, much more so than usual. My redness had improved as well, which has always been one of my biggest pain points since I have rosacea and generally sensitive skin.
I kept my promise to myself and used the tool consistently for two weeks, and found myself quite surprised with the noticeable difference in my appearance. Every day the results seemed stronger and stronger as the benefits built upon themselves — my skin looked increasingly rejuvenated and refreshed. While true that the results were definitely strongest directly after using the wand, whether at night or first thing in the morning, the overall effectiveness was clear. This tiny but powerful tool actually was improving the appearance of fine lines and redness, and my face had a healthy, natural glow.
Since then, I’ve been using the tool about five days a week consistently and have been incredibly happy with my complexion. And with many high-tech tools retailing for several hundred dollars, the price truly can’t be beat (hint: it even won a TZR High/Low Beauty Award). But the best part about it? You can treat yourself to a quickie facial treatment in the coziness of your own home and still get stellar results. While I may still be a skin care skeptic overall, I’m sold on the SolaWave Red Light Wand — this tool is everything it’s cracked up to be. Just remember: like with any skin care tool, it has to be used consistently to see the results you want.
Ahead, shop the SolaWave wand, plus a few additional options for stellar skin care tools worth trying for yourself.
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