Chrissy Teigen is the reigning queen of social media. The supermodel manages the world’s most adorable Instagram page (thank you, baby Luna) and has what is arguably the best Twitter feed on the entire web. She’s brutally honest and downright hilarious, tackling topics like motherhood, political policies and her affinity for Taco Bell. And because she never fails to outdo the Internet with her wit, it’s only fair that we present a compilation of the funnywoman’s best tweets of the year. Read them and be thankful we were blessed with this national treasure.
When she shared every Apple user’s struggle
When she spoke the truth about giving birth
When she used filters wisely
When she admitted to not being the coolest kid on the Internet (even though we already know she is)
When she shamelessly expressed her political views
When she wasn’t embarrassed about this
When she was a real fan girl like the rest of us
When she dedicated a holiday to herself
When her Thanksgiving meal poll was more divided than the Electoral College