We have a confession to make: Some of us are major flakes. It’s not that we dislike the people with whom we make plans, or that we have bigger and better things to do, it’s just that life is complicated—and, honestly, we’re tired. Here, seven things all girls like us understand.

We Don't Mean To Be The Way We Are
We didn't sleep the night before, our last meeting ran late, our best friend is having a crisis, we forgot about a milestone birthday party—the list goes on and on. Whatever the excuse, needing to flake on plans is never our fault.
This might be a small comfort when you're the one being flaked on for the second time in a row, but just know that we'll never let it get too out of hand. By our third attempt at keeping plans, we'll make it happen at all costs—though don't be surprised if we passive-aggressively try to get you to bail instead.
We don't know why we do this, because being 30 minutes late is not "fashionable"—it's incredibly rude. If we were you, we'd leave after waiting for 10 minutes, just to teach us a lesson. But you'd never do that, because we're jerks and you love us anyway. (Right?)
We love it when people flake on us: that delicious feeling when you think you have to pull yourself together to leave the house for a drink or dinner, and then suddenly you're off the hook and can look forward to a night of Netflix. It's the best feeling in the world.
This means we're overwhelmed all the time, and canceling plans is sometimes a genuine attempt at preserving our sanity. (See also slide number one: "It's Never Our Fault.")
We get that you're not like us, and that you don't like to be flaked on; however, we can't help the way we are. (Did we mention it's not our fault?!) This means you're either going to decide to hang with us despite our flaky flaw—or not. If you're one of those people who's going to constantly guilt us about it, we'll probably stop calling you. Forever.
Over time, our list of friends dwindles to only include people who don't give us a hard time for consistently flaking, disappearing for months (or even years) at a time and not checking in as often as one should in order to be considered "good friends." We love the type of folks who let us pick up with them as if no time has passed—because to our flaky brains, it barely has.