Ever wonder what the ubertalented (not to mention, uberbusy) styling assistants at Rachel Zoe Studio consider to be a typical day at the office? From pulling the latest and greatest in jewelry, accessories and dresses to prepping high-profile clients for shoots and red-carpet events, let’s just say their 9-to-5 isn’t always easy work (and it isn’t 9-to-5, either). Herewith, a behind-the-scenes glimpse at a day in the life of Rachel Zoe Studio. Despite their hectic schedule, these ladies really know a thing or two about having fun on the job.
See What The Girls Of Rachel Zoe Studio Are Up To!
"Mornings consist of coffee, emails, style.com...
...and David Webb."
"Our first stop of the day is pulling shoes and clutches at Jimmy Choo's showroom."
"After we have shoes and bags picked out, we're off to Jacquie Aiche's adorable office to pull jewelry."
"Next stop: hunting down more showstopping accessories, shoes and clothes at the BPCM showroom (and sometimes trying them on)."
"After we've finished our pulls for the day, it's time to set up for an afternoon of client fittings or, depending on the day, heading to location for a photo shoot."
"Picking out the final touches for our client before they take off for an event!"
"That's a wrap! (Until tomorrow.)"