Er, The Weeknd Is Crawling Back To Bella And It’s Pretty Transparent

There are multiple stages in the average breakup, starting with the crushing blow that it's over, quickly followed by extreme depression, bouts of anger and, finally, after an extended period of self-soothing in the form of complex carbohydrates, a return to relative normalcy. Then comes the moment you find out they are seeing someone else, which causes distress that directly correlates with a) how hot their new significant other is, b) how much time has passed since your breakup and c) whether or not you have started dating again. In the case of Bella and The Weeknd, she has openly talked about struggling with the breakup and his virtually immediate long-term romance with Selena Gomez. Selena, who is already thoroughly rekindling with her ex, Justin Bieber (don't act like you don't know, it's all you've been reading about, in fact we even have hard data with which to back up that statement), certainly paved the way of regression. It seems, however, that The Weeknd is doing just that, as well.
According to E! News, The Weeknd (formally known as Abel Tesfaye) was seen snooping around Yolanda Hadid's apartment in NYC two days ago, the same day Bella was also seen around her mother's apartment building. Coincidence? We think not. The same report also cites a source who claims they "still have feelings for each other" but are "taking it slow." Read: They're camera shy because this is only a few days old. We'd just like to say a few things to Bella on behalf of experienced daters everywhere.
Bella, you're pretty great. You're crushing your career at the tender age of 21. You clearly have great relationships with your friends and family. You stand up for what you believe in. You deserve someone who truly values you, not someone who dumps you for another starlet. Proceed with caution. In fact, proceed with caution past him because there are many more deserving people who would fall over themselves to be with you.
Ditto for every other girl dealing with an "It's Complicated" relationship status.