17 CBD Products That Look *So* Good On Your Vanity

Are you skeptical about CBD skincare? You probably should be. Anytime an ingredient gets this much hype, brands are bound to cut corners: Maybe they sprinkle a tiny bit of said substance into a formulation to capitalize on the popularity without breaking the bank (cosmetic chemists call this “fairy-dusting”). Maybe they stretch the truth in marketing to make it seem like they’re using the buzzy ingredient (in the CBD world, this is known as “weed-washing,” and it’s most prevalent with hemp seed oil — which doesn’t actually contain CBD). These 17 luxury CBD products are legit, though. Made with high concentrations of full spectrum CBD, they’re worth every last penny.
“CBD, or cannabidiol, has anti-inflammatory effects and can be helpful in the treatment of skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, and itching of the skin,” Dr. Jennifer Vickers, M.D., a dermatologist with Sanova Dermatology, tells The Zoe Report. She notes that studies have shown that CBD, typically extracted from cannabis sativa (aka, hemp) plants, can even help regulate oil production — a “main player” in the generation of acne. “It also has antioxidant and regenerative effects to help offset damage from the sun, pollution, and aging,” she says. “The anti-inflammatory effects can help calm the skin and reduce redness.” While it may not be the magical ingredient it’s often marketed as, the dermatologist agrees CBD is still pretty nice for your face… so long as your serums and oils feature enough of the right kind of CBD.
The “right” kind of CBD would be “full spectrum CBD” or “whole plant CBD,” terms that indicate the cannabidiol has been sourced from the entire hemp plant — leaves, seeds, flowers, stems. These individual parts are thought to work together in a compounding manner, amplifying the overall benefits; industry experts call this “the entourage effect.” Sadly, there aren’t many studies on how much full spectrum CBD is needed to be effective. “My guess is that this would be difficult to characterize, and would require research that isn't being done,” Dr. Vickers says.
The working theory is that the higher the milligram content of CBD per fluid ounce, the better the results. Lord Jones’ concentrated Royal Oil features 1000 mg of CBD per ounce (but is meant to be mixed with your usual face oil as a CBD “booster”). Saint Jane's Luxury Beauty Serum features 500 mg per ounce, and Beboe Therapy’s High Potency CBD Serum packs 300 mg per ounce. The potency is reflected in the price point — all three luxury products retail between $100 and $150.
“My advice to customers looking to try CBD skincare is to look at the labels like you would something you eat,” Scott Campbell, the co-founder of Beboe, tells TZR. “Look for full spectrum CBD, potency, and if you can, a Certificate of Authenticity, like we are giving our customers.” After all, true luxury is a matter of quality.
Ahead, 17 luxe CBD skincare products that live up to the hype.
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