The High-Impact Workout Move You Can Do In Front Of The TV

In this day and age, with the rising popularity of trendy boutique workout studios and souped-up gyms, it seems like fitness is at the height of popularity. However, in looking at some data and the greater U.S. population as a whole, it seems people are still not getting enough exercise. For many, the hustle and bustle of daily life can take priority over health and wellness — running to spin class or hot yoga is a luxury many just can't seem to afford time-wise or money-wise. However, thanks to a few easy at-home workout moves, you can easily create a solid customized fitness routine in the comforts of your own living space.
Federal physical activity guidelines recommend a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of rigorous exercise a week. That seems easy enough to achieve, when the average workout class is about 60 minutes long, right? Well, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), it's not. The report states that only 23 percent of adults ages 18 to 64 are reaching this goal. thirty-two percent met one but not both, and almost 45 percent did not hit either benchmark.
If you fall into the latter percentage group, fear not. A few simple workout moves (with little to no equipment requirements) can help turn things around. Ahead, three fitness pros were tapped to offer their favorite at-home workout moves. Take a look and feel free to mix and match until you find the routine that gives you a full-body workout at your own convenience.
Bodyweight Squat
Lacey Stone, celebrity trainer for E! Revenge Body shares one of her favorite moves from her recently launched virtual training platform. In addition to a traditional vertical squat, the upgraded leg-lift squat is a great way to kick things up a notch.
Squat Jumps
Another favorite of Stone's, this squat jump is another way to upgrade the traditional squat.
Bodyweight Lunges
Stone is a fan of the classic booty-centric forward lunge.
Another pick from Stone's fitness library, ab-activating planks are a great way to get a workout in whilst bingeing your favorite TV series.
Side Plank
This classic yoga move will work your core from a 360-degree perspective.
Speed Skater
Looking for a quick cardio fix to get your energy up? Stone recommends A quick speed-skater session to get the heart rate going.
Glute Bridge
Another solid glute-sculpting move endorsed by Stone, bridges are ideal in that they can be done on any flat surface in your home.
Single-Leg Sit to Stand
This Stone-approved move can be done on your couch or with any chair in your home.
While traditionally known as a floor exercise, this Stone-endorsed move can also be done against a vertical flat space if there's little to no floor to work with.
Alternating Shoulder Press With A Band
If you have this essential at-home workout piece, try knocking out a few shoulder presses (which Stone also includes in her digital fitness program) in front of the TV.
The last of Stone's favorite fitness moves, these bench dips work the arms and upper body perfectly.
"This total body exercise is designed to elevate your heart rate and work your arms, legs, and core," says Justin Norris, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of the LIT Method.
Mountain Climbers
"This exercise will work your core and elevate your hear rate," says Norris.
"This exercise will work your stabilizing muscles and really target your arms," says Norris.
"This exercise is great for working all of your posterior muscles and help fix your posture," says Norris.
Squat To Oblique Twists
"This exercise is designed to work your legs and core," says Norris.
Shoulder Stand
Nonna Gleyzer, celebrity Pilates coach, says this floor exercise is perfect for increasing abdominal strength, but also "beneficial for your digestive system, blood circulation, increasing flexibility in your spine, and so much more."
Pilates Teaser
Gleyzer loves the classic Pilates move for "connecting and finding the lower abs. Do this move three to four times per week (five times on each side) and you will never have back pain or problems again."
Open Leg Rocker
In addition to working the lower abs, Gleyzer says the rocker move is great for lower back pain and stretching the ham strings.
Double Leg Stretch
"Double leg stretch is an amazing exercise for lower abs as well as connecting upper and lower abdominal muscles," says Gleyzer. "I recommend doing this move three to four times per week, 10 to 15 times each. Please make sure to pull in your stomach, inhale as you bring your legs down, and exhale as you bring your legs up."