You Don't Need A Partner To Try 2020's Biggest Sex Trend

There a ton of different ways to live your best life in the new year, like traveling to places on your bucket list, picking up a productive new hobby, and prioritizing your self-care. And if it's the latter of these that's top of mind, you don't want to neglect the area of intimacy — whether you've got a romantic partner or not. A good place to gather ideas? The biggest sex trends for 2020 could be just the thing to spice things up and make your time in the bedroom — or just about anywhere else — a whole lot more creative.
According to a few new studies, sex is becoming more and more experimental — whether done with a partner/s or solo — thanks to the fact that taboos around the subject continue to break down. For example, though hardly new, bringing toys into the mix is more of a mainstream practice than ever. And with a ton of technological advancements, they're also better than ever.
But 2020's biggest sex trends go way beyond toys. Given the political climate and #MeToo movement, women are taking over the industry and changing the way products and other stimulation materials look, based on their pleasure and wellbeing. "In 2020 I see a trend moving toward sex for women's health and looking at improving sexual health," says Nicole Buratti, the sex consultant behind Sex Talk With Nicole. Basically, it's a powerful time to be a sexually active woman.
Curious about what other trends you might start seeing more of? Read ahead for some predictions from Buratti and a handful of other sex experts.
Women First
As proven by brands like Maude and Unbound, there's no doubt that women taking the sex industry by storm with gadgets and wellness products made by — and often designed for — women (or at least with equal consideration to their pleasure). Not only that but with dozens of texts including She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide To Pleasuring A Woman and Come As You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life becoming best-sellers, it's clear that both men and women are educating themselves more on the female body. "What does sex look like post #metoo?" asks Alyssa Tennant, sex, love, and relationship coach. "It looks like respect, consent and focus on female pleasure. The great thing is, most guys want more than anything to please women and it's a huge turn-on when she's enjoying herself."
CBD & THC Products
You know by now that cannabis products can be a great way to reduce stress, so it's no surprise that they're making their way into your sex life, too. Brands like Foria include THC or CBD as a way to not only heighten sexual pleasure, but aid in the relief of menstrual pain and more. "Using CBD lube or oil enables the woman to relax and therefore increases pleasure," says Buratti. "I recommend CBD lube for my clients who experience pain with sex because CBD relieves pelvic pain."
Smarter Toys
Vibrators that pulse along with your favorite song? Yes. Others that can be controlled from anywhere via an app (think next-level phone sex). That too. "In 2020, there are a number of companies who are developing toys to help couples who are apart stay connected despite the distance," says Dr. Christopher Ryan Jones, sex therapist and podcaster. "Companies such as We-Vibe have been offering such products for several years now and launching a new product called the chorus which allows for greater connection. This way partners, regardless of their location can connect. MysteryVibe, offers an app for their products too and they are working on expanding the application so that couples can connect who are apart as well."
In layman's terms, digisexuality is tech-focused sex, which could mean virtual reality pornography, and even robots — both of which can take the idea of self-satisfaction to the next level. "AI is going to become much more popular in sexual fantasy," says Dr. Jones. "Companies like Kiiroo are really doing a lot in that field. Yet there are others who are designing products to help people engage in virtual sexual fantastic with or without a partner."
Polyamorous Relationships
"Relationship trends are changing as we evolve as humans," explains Buratti. "Sex parties, sex clubs, and swinging is becoming a lot more mainstream than ever before." And Dr. Jess O’Reilly, resident sex expert for Astroglide, cosigns this. "Discussion, portrayal and considerations of consensual non-monogamy will continue to become more mainstream," she adds. "We need more research on CNM relationships, but the data suggests that they’re far more common than many people realize."