
Christian Siriano Made A "Thrifted" Patch — And Lily Collins Is Already On Board

by Danielle Naer

Anyone who's watched Christian Siriano ascend to the upper ranks of the fashion world is likely well-versed in his do-good approach, which extends through to everything he does. In March, when New York was facing a grave shortage of CDC-recommended face coverings, he flipped his atelier over to produce upwards of 100,000 masks for frontline workers. Now, in partnership with ThredUP, Christian Siriano’s "Thrifted" patch is offering the first universal signifier in shopping secondhand. As in, he wants you to shop secondhand and celebrate it, as to help establish a more sustainable fashion future.

"I’ve always loved going into thrift stores and browsing online to get inspiration," Siriano tells TZR over email. "I learned that while thrifters are proud to wear used clothing, they have no way to share it. Millions of people thrift, but you can't see the trend because there is no visual identifier for used clothing." Siriano got to talking with ThredUP, the world's largest virtual thrift stores, on the first universal logo for thrifted pieces. As of Dec. 8, their brainchild — an aqua blue, iron-on patch in different shapes and sizes — is available to the public, and secondhand shoppers are rejoicing.


On offer are different patch styles depending on what second hand piece you're decorating — for polos and t-shirts, hanger motif patches are primed for tacking over the left breast; for thrifted jeans, boxy rectangular patches for ironing over the jacron. To sweeten the deal, each patch is $5 — so you can stock up on them while you continue your secondhand shopping journey. "I’ve ironed the patch onto a handful of my favorite vintage tees and blazers," Siriano shares. "I love the idea of adding a bunch to a handbag or all over a pair of jeans to make an even more impactful statement." Also serving ideas is Emily In Paris star, Lily Collins, who took to Instagram to showcase her newly-patched Chanel blazer.

Apart from being a viral Instagram craze waiting to happen, the patch is helping to extend the life cycle of each and every fashion garment. "Throwaway fashion culture is a growing problem, and more people thrifting means less waste," says Siriano. "The Thrift Logo turns secondhand clothing into a statement about sustainability, with the power to influence others."

To grab some patches yourself, browse ahead.

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