I Tried This Cult-Favorite Haircare Brand's New Mask Before It Launched

Crown Affair is a thoroughly 2020 brand, having launched this January. It's a perk, actually — for the haircare brand, this has translated into flexibility, strength, and a thoroughly curated product line; Crown Affair's The Renewal Mask, launched Sept. 1, is only the first new product since its debut. "The events of this year are in our DNA as a brand," Dianna Cohen, Crown Affair's founder and CEO, tells The Zoe Report over email. "We’re so grateful that our messaging around care, taking your time, and ritual have been resonating with our customers and community, even prior to the pandemic. This year has deepened that sense of creating structures and care in your life that make you feel whole."
Nevertheless, the $58 hair mask is a big leap for the brad, moving it thoroughly into the shower space. "I started Crown Affair with the post-wash ritual in mind. How I took care of my hair after wash days and in-between transformed the texture and health of my hair, and I wanted to share that ritual with the world before diving into the exciting and often overwhelming world of in-shower products," Cohen adds. "In a category that launches lines with dozens of SKUs, I want to celebrate each step of the beautiful process that is caring for your hair. A hair mask treatment was one of the products I would most frequently recommend to friends — as it can be used weekly, and is a great way to hydrate and nourish your strands."
To accomplish that, Crown Affair called on Tsubaki seed oil — also found in its hydrating hair oil — as well as cuticle-smoothing yuzu fruit extract. That last ingredient might sound familiar to you, too, since it's currently having a moment over in the skincare sector. It's also the ingredient I noticed first when testing out the hair mask before it launched; I have regularly wavy, rowdy hair, prone to frizz and random curls, and after using the Renewal Mask it looked smooth, a bit straighter, and overall like I'd done something more labor-intensive than an air dry while I watched TV.
"Yuzu is an incredible ingredient for your hair and skin, and it’s a bonus that the scent is naturally soothing and fresh," Cohen explains. "It’s very high in vitamin C, which supports collagen creation — an important part of the hair structure. It also has multiple hydroxyl groups (oxygen-hydrogen), acting as a powerful yet nourishing moisturizer for your hair. The vitamin C, E, and antioxidants found in yuzu are very effective in skin care as well, which is why it’s becoming a more popular active ingredient."
Since, why not use skincare ingredients for your hair, too? Shop the new Renewal Mask on Crown Affair's website, or try it out for yourself by scrolling down.
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