Why Brow Experts Are Completely Against Waxing Your Brows At Home

Regardless of what genetic lottery you’ve cashed in on, eyebrows are a feature that will always require a bit of work. Is it just us or are they always either too light or too dark, or too thick or too thin? And while we've become accustomed to allowing our brow experts to resolve those issues for us, in the age of social distancing, learning how to do your own eyebrows while at home is basically a necessity.
And while the idea is intimidating to many — most of us are already traumatized by a bad brow experience — we’re sharing the best tips for at-home grooming that won't result in a tweezing disaster. No appointment, no problem.
How To Do Your Own Eyebrows: Stick To Tweezing & Trimming
The most important thing to remember is that you're not a professional — though these days may have us thinking otherwise — so don't go overboard. "Some of the best ways you can maintain your brows while at home is to remember most importantly that less is more," Kelley Baker, brow expert to the entire Kardashian-Jenner clan, says. "Luckily, not many people will be seeing us right now, so don’t fret too much. If anything a little trimming of your brows will always make you feel a bit better."
And Joey Healy, celebrity brow artist and founder of Joey Healy Brows in New York City agrees, insisting that right now, maintenance should be the focus. "Do your brows maybe once a week, just targeting the big strays that you feel very comfortable removing," he says. "A little bit of tweezing and a little bit of trimming is safe!" That means, that now is not the time for reshaping. "When you're trimming your brows don't trim more than one at a time and don't trim in a straight line," he says. "Don't try to mimic a celebrity's brows that you saw online. Work with your natural shape! Trying to mimic professional brow shaping is just going to land you in dangerous territory."
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How To Do Your Own Eyebrows: Stay Away From Wax
To those that rely on waxing to keep their brows in order, give it a rest... for now. "All of the professional waxers around the world will say 'Please do not try waxing your own brows at home,'" Baker says. "It’s not worth the mistake! Waxing is not an easy task and can get very sticky... pun intended! Just wait a little longer for your professional. We will be ready for you soon!"
And aside from the loss of too much hair, risks to the skin are also involved. "Waxing at home can lead you to burning yourself if you don't know what you're doing," Healy says.
How To Do Your Own Eyebrows: Prioritize Regrowth
"If you feel like you've overworked the brow, stop," Healy says. "Put down the tweezers and don't try to fix it. If you did a little bit too much on your left brow, don't try to even it out on the right side. When you feel like you've overworked them you really just have to stop. Next? Patience and time are great things for regrowth."
And in the case that you do — or already have — gotten too excited with the hair removal, now is the perfect time to invest in a products that can reverse that. "Try using a growth serum," Baker says. "This is the perfect time to let your brows grow in and try to get them fuller which is in trend!
While your brows are in the process of growing back, use your everyday makeup products to fill in the gaps. "Keep using a product like a powder or a pencil to fill in the little gap you made or to visually correct with makeup the error that you might have made," Healy says. "It's good to always have a good brow pencil on hand for little spot corrections."
How To Do Your Own Eyebrows: Tips For Successful Bleaching
No matter what bleaching agent you decide to use, cleansing (and doing it well) will ensure you get an even color payoff. The slightest bits of makeup residue or oil can leave patchy areas. Pro tip: Under no circumstances should you tweeze immediately before bleaching. The jawline is the best place to try out a product because a resulting breakout can be easily covered with makeup.
While most at-home kits come with an applicator, you can also use a cotton swab, just be careful to apply the solution evenly. If you've never done this before, start with half the suggested time—you don't want to burn your skin or end up with invisible brows, removing the bleach with a warm, damp washcloth.
Start the tint at one side of the brow and dab it along to the other, focusing on the center, then on the baby hairs along the edges. It's the best way to get even color. Quickly and carefully apply the solution to one side, set a timer, then wipe it off. Repeat on the other side in the same order, making sure to wipe off the product completely with a damp towel. Any residue left behind will continue to develop which will make your brows darker.
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