You're Less Likely To Ditch Your Fitness Goals If You Do This Next Time You Hit The Gym

You know how just after New Year's it seems like your favorite classes are harder to book? Or the gym you frequent is twice as packed? It's pretty standard considering so many people year-after-year make it a resolution to be more physically active — or to stay more consistent with a fitness routine. And according to research, you're just as likely to notice a major drop-off just a few weeks later. However, with a few tips on how to stick to your fitness goals, you'll still be hanging in there — and actually thriving.
Last year, social fitness network Strava reported that Jan. 17 was officially dubbed National Quitters Day, with about 60 percent of people giving up on their goals. And experts predict the same effect this year on Jan. 19. But you don't have to be a part of that statistic. Some new data suggests that there are a few things that make sticking to your fitness resolutions — such as trying a new workout or going to the gym more frequently — a lot more manageable.
First it might be helpful to consider the reasons why so many people fall off the wagon mid-month. According to research from on-demand fitness app NEOU, 41 percent of Americans say they don’t have time to work out, with 71 percent considering it to be downright inconvenient, and 36 percent claiming that work is the main thing that gets in their way. If these statistics reflect your mindset towards working out, you can still get a good sweat session in without leaving your home. Using fitness apps like NEOU can help, as can some expert-approved combinations that don't require much, if any, equipment.
And speaking of apps, new technology isn't the only fitness trend that could make sticking to your resolution so much easier. According to information from Strava, three main changes could mean the difference between giving up, or sticking with it for the long haul. Find them all ahead, and put your bad habit of sabotaging your goals in the past.
Make It Official
First things first: Be clear about your fitness goal. For example, instead of just vowing be generally better about going to the gym, make a plan for exactly how often you want to go, or how long your sessions should be. And the results speak for themselves: According to Strava, 94 percent of athletes who set clear goals were still sticking with them nine months later.
Find A Fitness Buddy
Whether it's with your partner, a friend, or a club, opting to do your fitness activity with a buddy or as part of a group — as opposed to doing it alone — will increase your likelihood of getting it done. In fact, Strava's research shows workouts done this way go 21 percent further and 10 percent longer.
Mix It Up
It's easy to fall into your comfort zone with a fitness activity — especially if you're concerned you won't be able to tackle a different type. But research shows that mixing it up can totally benefit you. Last year, Strava's activity uploads more than doubles when athletes changed up their workouts. So for 2020, allow yourself to try something completely new, like a trampoline class or aerial yoga.