The Latest Wellness Trend Tackles Health At The Cellular Level

Still in the dawn of a new year, many people have been reevaluating their overall health, whether that means kicking toxic habits once and for all or prioritizing self-care. But there's also a new trend generating buzz in the wellness world, and it just might inspire you to add one more thing to your list of resolutions, and that's improving health at the cellular level.
If you're sitting there thinking that cellular health, otherwise known as mitochondrial heath, sounds like just another wellness gimmick, you wouldn't be alone, but medical professionals can assure you it's not only real, it's something you should probably consider ASAP. "Cellular health is a popular concept that our overall health depends on how the cells in our body are functioning, and that specific actions we can take with diet and lifestyle, can improve cell function," says Dr. William W. Li, physician, scientist and author. "Mitochondria are special organelles that are located inside a cell, and they are the powerhouses of the cell. They take nutrients and turn them into energy that is used to help the cell perform its important functions that keep us alive."
Dr. Li explains that because our bodily organs are made up of cells, if our cell health is poor, then our systems are more susceptible to breakdowns. "While the body is remarkable for its ability to replace failing cells with new cells, when too many cells fail, our organs start to fail," he says. "So, cellular health is an important for being overall vital and able to thrive over the course of our lives."
Thankfully, doctors like Li have zeroed in on a few ways you can improve your health at the cellular level — even without the aid of a supplement (though there are also plenty of those on the market, too). For Dr. Li's advice on lifestyle changes you can make now to radically improve the health of your cells and therefore stave off premature bodily aging, read ahead. Then, check out a few products that promise to do the same by boosting your body's natural detoxification process, protecting your tissue, and reducing stress.
Get Better Sleep
"Sleep deprivation affects our body’s circadian clock and damages our cellular health," explains Dr. Li. "Over time, unhealthy cells interfere with our brain function, which is why not getting enough sleep and jet lag makes you foggy headed. Pro-tip: keep the room temperature around 65 degrees to optimize sleep and cellular health."
Eat Foods That Lower Inflammation
Dr. Li adds that overhauling your diet to include more healing foods can also improve your cellular health. "Chronic inflammation stresses out cells and trips up their healthy function," he explains. "A diet that is high in vegetables and lower in animal protein lowers inflammation and helps protect cellular health. Consume less red meat and alcohol because high intake damages cellular health."
Avoid Exposure To Toxicity
Speaking of things that can stress out the body, as you probably already know, exposure to sun, smoke, and other toxic elements can be seriously damaging. "These harmful exposures include tobacco smoke (including second hand smoke), excessive ultraviolet radiation (i.e., sunbathing and tanning beds), and noxious fumes from paint, gasoline, nail polish remover, and other chemical sources," shares Dr. Li. "Your body can recover from these exposures if they are temporary or mild, but too much over time can cause severe damage."