Can We Please Process The Fact That We Have Our First Female VP-Elect?

I discovered the news that Joe Biden will be our next president when I heard my neighbors banging their pots on our usually quiet, tree-lined Brooklyn street. We all ran out screaming, chanting, and banging our kitchen utensils against anything we could find. It is a historical moment, and a big sense of relief, as my first reaction was tears. Tears of relief, but also tears of joy. I felt hope for our country in a renewed way, and what made it even more extraordinary is that we have our first female Vice President elect, Kamala Harris!
Harris is not only the first female in the role, but also the first Black and first south Asian. To me, it reflects that our country is united in ways that I so questioned during these past four years. Especially as a minority myself, I wondered when fellow citizens did not plan on voting for Biden-Harris, were they voting against my very existence in this country, even though I am a US-born citizen? To have a female Vice President of minority descent shows that someone like me is part of this country’s discourse.
In a period of division, Harris’ personal experiences and platform gives me faith that she will fight for us, fight to unite us, and fight for those who are marginalized. To me, that is the true soul of this country and I am again hopeful. To all the little girls out there, take note of Harris’ empowering advice to her niece, “You could be president.”
And since you are reading TZR after all, we can’t ignore all the noteworthy sartorial moments we foresee from our new Vice President-elect — they're definitely going to be good.
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