The Most Delicious Way To Incorporate 2020's Biggest Superfood Into Your Diet

It seems like not so long ago kale was the buzzworthy ingredient to add into your diet (chips, juice, salad, the list goes on). And although the nutrient-packed leafy green is still be a great way to add fiber, magnesium, vitamin C, and more into the mix, it seems like every year there's a new food that experts are encouraging you to eat a lot more of. For instance, 2019 was all about adaptogenic mushrooms, turmeric, and bee pollen (to name just a few). As for the top superfoods for 2020, while some of them may already be a part of your existing nutrition repertoire, others might be newer to you.
As the year comes to a close, many people are reflecting on the trends of 2019 (and that includes the food trends) and they're using their findings to predict what's going to be even bigger next year — as well as what seems to be losing steam. A recent a survey by Specialty Food Association focused on four different foods that registered dietician nutritionists expected to be all over the plates of wellness focused folks next year. These may or may not already be stocked in your fridge or cupboards — but either way, you could probably use some suggestions on how to creatively incorporate them into your diet, plus learn why they're so good for you in the first place.
To get your new year started on an even healthier foot, Chelsea Gross, a nutrition coach, podcaster, and owner of Nutrition With Chelsea, is explaining a little more about these four special superfoods as well as her favorite ways to eat them. See what she's got to say ahead.
Fermented Foods
"Fermented foods may be new or trendy to some, but they’ve actually been around for thousands of years — giving our ancestors the ability to prolong freshness," explains Gross. "Ferments are superfoods because they reintroduce beneficial bacteria back into our guts. Beneficial bacteria and a healthy gut keeps our immune system strong, skin healthy, digestion working optimally, helps us to better absorb nutrients from our food, and can even improve mood (since the gut is coined the 'second brain'!)."
As for ways to get more fermented foods into your diet, try adding some kimchi (a chef-approved fridge essential) to your grain bowl, noodle dishes, and even with your morning eggs (no, really!). Other common fermented foods include kefir, miso, kombucha, and yogurt.
"Avocados are the perfect addition to almost any meal: High in healthy fats, fiber, and beauty nutrients like vitamin B and E," shares Gross. "Healthy fats support our brains, hormones, and keep us full, satiated, and balanced." And the nutrition coach recommends that if you want to try avocados a different way than your usual avo toast, another simple simple, healthy breakfast idea is tossing some of the superfood into your morning smoothie.
Ancient Grains
Some ancient grains, like quinoa, have already been buzzing for a few years now. That said, Gross suggests giving a few new ones a spin in 2020. "If you’re feeling adventurous check out amaranth, millet and, teff — I love the brand Bob’s Red Mill for all these varieties." One option to try these is by subbing in amaranth porridge for your usual oatmeal. Add a little nut or seed milk, some brown sugar, and a few berries or fruit slices to finish.
"Beets are the ultimate liver-loving food — incredibly supportive in detoxing the body," says Gross. And besides serving them roasted in a salad or cold-pressed in a juice concoction, she recommends adding some to your basic hummus recipe for a superfood bonus in one of your favorite dishes.