The 7 Best Antiaging Tips Celebrities Swear By

As much as we wish we could freeze time, sadly life just doesn’t work that way, and aging happens. But thankfully, unlike many celebrities, we don’t have cameras pointed at our faces all day to document it. Since A-list ladies’ careers literally revolve around their appearance, they’ve discovered ways to defy the lens (and the clock) and keep their skin looking amazingly vibrant and youthful. Though we’re not in the spotlight 24/7, we obviously still want in on their genius hacks. Here, the freshest-looking faces in the biz share their favorite antiaging tips.
Kate Middleton
Daily exfoliation is the key to facilitating cell turnover for an overall youthful complexion, but many exfoliating agents can strip the skin, leaving it irritated and sensitive. Kate Middleton's pick is gentle, effective and so affordable. The Duchess uses a washcloth soaked in hot water to simultaneously exfoliate and steam her face for an unbelievable glow.
Kim Kardashian West
Any dermatologist will tell you sleeping in your makeup can contribute to free-radical damage and early aging. But even Kim K sometimes feels too lazy to hit the sink before hitting the sheets. For those nights, she relies on Neutrogena Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes in Night Calming.
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
The model-actress is known for her pillowy pout, and she's got a trick up her sleeve that keeps it looking so full. Picked up from Dr. Barbara Sturm, Rosie's nighttime routine includes applying face serum to her lips. Filled with essential nutrients that promote younger, smoother skin, serums also work wonders for your kisser.
Khloé Kardashian
Known for her perfectly chiseled face, which isn't just the work of expert contouring makeup, the youngest Kardashian sister swears by her Nurse Jamie Uplift Massage Beauty Roller. She writes on her app: "Not only does it lift and smooth, but it preps your skin to absorb products so you get the most out of them. This little gem is a lifesaver for jet-lagged, post-party or just plain meh skin. I call it my magic wand of beauty."
Kendall Jenner
In a post on her official website and app, Kendall shares that her makeup artist, Mary Phillips, takes the leftover serum from her eye patches and rubs it on her neck and chest. As this area is typically the first to show signs of aging, it's important to keep it hydrated. Plus, we'd hate to waste even an ounce of antiaging products.
Salma Hayek
As much as it pains us to admit it, we've been guilty of going sans sunscreen at times—and you probably have too. Dark spots are a huge side effect of this bad practice. Salma's trick for lightening them is a DIY face scrub made of baking soda, lemon and other pantry staples. Click here for the recipe.
Victoria Beckham
As we age, our skin becomes more and more dry, resulting in a dull, sagging appearance. To keep hers youthful and plump, Victoria Beckham takes the advice of Los Angeles dermatologist Dr. Harold Lancer. "I've known him for years," she says. "I used to have really problematic skin and he said to me, 'You have to eat salmon every single day.'" To clear her skin, he instructed her to incorporate it into at least one meal per day. "I said, 'Really, every day?' And he said, 'Yes; breakfast, lunch or dinner, you have to eat it every single day,'" she explained. While salmon does have a slew of health benefits, it's the omega-3 fatty acids that help keep skin hydrated and young-looking.