
These Are The Best Natural Sources Of Magnesium

No supplements necessary.

by Natalia Lusinski
Originally Published: 

Magnesium is a mineral that helps your body and brain in several ways, from promoting heart health to building proteins and strong bones to elevating your mood. And, the good news is, it’s found in many foods, so you can add it to your diet naturally.


Pumpkin seeds don’t just have to be eaten around Halloween! They are a great source of magnesium year-round and can help with bone density, which is important when it comes to preventing osteoporosis.


If you are more of a peanut fan than a pumpkin seed one, you’re in luck, as the nut is high in magnesium, too. Whether you snack on a handful of peanuts or make a peanut butter sandwich or smoothie, there are plenty of ways to up your magnesium levels with this legume.


For those who like oatmeal, it’s an ideal breakfast food that’ll provide you with fiber, zinc, and, yep, magnesium. Plus, it helps slow digestion, which is good for you (and your gut), too. You can get your probiotics in by adding some sugar-free yogurt to it, as well as some nuts for added protein.


Mushrooms not only contain magnesium, but also key vitamins and minerals like zinc, potassium, and several B vitamins. Plus, antioxidants. And they’re so versatile (mushroom pizza, anyone?) that you can add them to nearly anything. Or sip on some mushroom coffee!


Popeye was onto something with his spinach consumption! Next time you’re having a salad or making a side dish to go with dinner, try magnesium-rich spinach. It’ll also provide you with vitamins C and E, potassium, and iron.


If you’re looking for another nut to snack on to help you get your magnesium intake, try almonds. Just one handful will give you about one-fifth of the recommended daily dose. Plus, you can also add them to your spinach salad for a magnesium win-win!


Wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, Cream of Wheat … when it comes to eating wheat, there are several different sources at your disposal. And wheat is an easy go-to when it comes to consuming foods with magnesium!


Avocados are another food you can add to your spinach salad for extra magnesium — or whip up a batch of guacamole! You can also add avocado to your morning eggs, whole wheat toast, or eat one plain. In addition to magnesium, avocados help promote cardiovascular health.


You probably know bananas are a good source of potassium, but they’re also a good source of magnesium. Plus, the fruit is high in antioxidants and can even help you sleep due to the tryptophan they contain (an amino acid the body uses to help produce serotonin and melatonin).


The next time you’re thinking of giving up chocolate, think again. Dark chocolate has been found to be a good source of magnesium. This isn’t to say we should live on a diet of chocolate (one can dream!), but it can help you get more magnesium in your diet.
